The Secret of Heathly Couples #forwardinfive
Forward in Five is weekly podcast that will give you 5 minutes of relationship insights from relationship expert and licensed Marriage & Family therapist Christian J. Charette, LMFT. Click to Subscribe. Email Christian with a question for an upcoming podcast at...

Life After Infidelity #2 #forwardinfive
Forward in Five is weekly podcast that will give you 5 minutes of relationship insights from relationship expert and licensed Marriage & Family therapist Christian J. Charette, LMFT. Click to Subscribe. Email Christian with a question for an upcoming podcast at...

Life After Infidelity? #forwardinfive
Forward in Five is weekly podcast that will give you 5 minutes of relationship insights from relationship expert and licensed Marriage & Family therapist Christian J. Charette, LMFT. Click to Subscribe. Email Christian with a question for an upcoming podcast at...

Couples Who Get What They Want! #coupleforward
Couples who get what they want!

#CoupleForward, After Infidelity in 15 steps
Something horrible has happened. They've been caught. You've been caught? Suddenly, life is upside down. It's like waking up from a dream where everything you thought you knew to be true ceased. Life comes to a crushing stop. Some people fight. Some people flee....

How to Avoid a Break Up #forwardinfive
Forward in Five is weekly podcast that will give you 5 minutes of relationship insights from relationship expert and licensed Marriage & Family therapist Christian J. Charette, LMFT. Click to Subscribe. Email Christian with a question for an upcoming podcast at...

How To Stop Criticism in Your Relationship #Forwardinfive
Forward in Five is weekly podcast that will give you 5 minutes of relationship insights from relationship expert and licensed Marriage & Family therapist Christian J. Charette, LMFT. Click to Subscribe. Email Christian with a question for an upcoming podcast at...

What is a Marriage & Family Therapist?
What is Marriage and Family Therapy? A family’s patterns of behavior influences the individual and therefore may need to be a part of the treatment plan. In marriage and family therapy, the unit of treatment isn’t just the person – even if only a single person is...

Something John Gottman Said…
Converting a complaint into a positive need requires a mental transformation from what is wrong with one’s partner to what one’s partner can do that would work. It may be helpful here to review my belief that within every negative feeling there is a longing, a wish,...

4 Ways to Destroy Your Marriage, According to Gottman
4 Ways to Destroy Your Relationship, According To Gottman John Gottman, and the Gottman Institute, has researched relationships for over 40 years. He found that not all negatives are alike. Four of them stood out as being the most destructive and biggest predictors of...